Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tyson's Update October 15, 2009. Great!

Well it’s that time of the week again,
This week was another great week. We are teaching some miracle people. It’s amazing the fulfillment of the scripture "ask and ye shall receive". One morning we were going to knock on doors and we prayed for a miracle. So we felt prompted to go to a certain street on our map and as we pulled up to it we saw a street that was not on our map. We felt we should go and so of course we did. We knocked on a door and here comes a man named Bruce, he grew up in Washington and grew up knowing some kids from our church. He then went on to invite us into his home, which always kind of throws us off because very rarely do people invite us in before we actually ask to come in. Plus on top of that, very few people allow us in anyways. But to make a long story short he came to General Conference and loved it and then he prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true he received a "You bet ya" (in his own words) plus the very warm feeling of the spirit, which only God can give. Then soon after that we invited him to be baptized and he said he would but he would like to ask God if he should. We followed up with his prayer and he received that same warm feeling with the simple prompting "Do". So now he is preparing to be baptized.
Another miracle that is happening up here among the many is that a recent converts mother came to General Conference at the invite of her daughter. Her name is Janet and she is in her mid 60's. She told us after Conference that she had questions answered in two hours that she has had for her entire life. She talked about the peace that came from having her questions answered in such a simple but profound way that no one has been able to answer before. She has gone from church to church trying to find those answers, but she could not find them. She was amazed that they were finally answered. She came again to church again last week and she is loving every moment of it.
Well family the work is great and I am grateful for every moment I have been given out here. It amazing how many great ways God is giving me to deepen my understanding of him and also the opportunity to deepen myself.
Love ya family,
Elder Andrus

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