Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26 2009 - Tyson's Update

Things are going incredible in Reading. Jahaira and her kids are getting baptized this Sunday and we have many great people to work with. When I first got here there was basically nothing going on. But the Lord has truly blessed us after three transfers. We have a great amount of people to teach and they are coming to church. Time is going way to fast. I read a article in the ensign about what creates true joy. The article was focused for missionaries. I could not help but tear up when I read that article, because of the truth that it carries. I know have some time left but I will be so sad to leave this missionary field. This is one of the most pure and meaningful things that I have ever done with my life and I don’t want it to end. Ya, of course there are hard times but there is an opposition in all things. There can still be true joy in the lowest and hardest of times. If and only if you see them from Gods eyes. When you have affliction just think as Elder Wirthlin "Come what may and love it." There is a positive to everything! Never forget that. Who cares if you are having a rough day, because guess what...that’s part of life. "All things are done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things." WE are being molded into what God truly wants us to be. Just accept it and work with God, not against him. Just read D&C 18 and you will understand how much love God has for us. Just like the potter and the clay. Do you think the clay has any idea what it could turn into? No way. But do you think that the potter has an idea? Of course! So I guess that the message for the family, Let us be clay in the hands of a perfect potter. I love you guys very much and I hope all is well at home. Transfers are coming up this Sunday, I hope I am staying to reap the fruit of the labor but if not I’ll go where I am needed.
I love you guys!
Elder Andrus

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