Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gavin and Hailey - too cute!

We took some pictures yesterday that we just have to share. Gavin had his 2 week doctor appointment yesterday also and he actually gained weight so he is doing great! I love that he turns toward Hailey and responds to her! So adorable!

Aubrie mom is smitten with this darling new comer. So far he is just such a mellow baby!
Grandpa is pretty excited about his new Grandson. He is ready to teach him how to fish!

This one is so cute - all sprawled out - you can see how long he is and just a cutie!
He doesn't sleep much, as you can see! Just swingin'

1 comment:

suzanne campbell said...

Oh my gosh thhe baby makes Bill look huge or bill makes the baby look tiny I can't figure out which he is so cute everyone looks happy. We are so looking forward to wednesday love Suz

Family Fun

Kelly Corrigan - We will Transcend! Must Watch!!