Losing Oneself -- Neal A. Maxwell
I was struck, again, by this quote by Neal Maxwell and wanted to share it. Elder Maxwell died a few of years ago of Leukemia. He served others and his God to the very last breath and I miss him a lot. I miss his profound insight and his intellectual depth and breadth. This particular quote is out of one of his books where he discusses what it means to "lose yourself" to find yourself and what developing true character is all about.
Losing oneself means losing concern over getting credit; by knowing our true identity we need not be concerned about seeming anonymity. It likewise means losing our desire to be in the driver's seat; putting our shoulder to the wheel is enough.
It means that eagles meekly serve under sparrows-without worrying over comparative wingspans or plumage.
Losing oneself means yielding the substance of one's own agendum if it does not match the agendum of the Lord. It means losing the elements of our leadership style which are not consistent with His. (It is, after all, easier to be a character than to have character.)
There are affirmative things which accompany the losing of self. One is greater caring for the needy. There are many who thirst not only for water or hunger not only for bread but also for the word of the Lord and for friendship. The needy include both the poor in substance and those who are poor as to needed support systems. Losing oneself brings more noticing of others. The more preoccupied we are, the more who will pass by us unnoticed (see Mormon 8:39). We should, then, be more mindful of others, as God is always mindful of man.
Losing oneself means keeping ourselves more spiritually intact; being "ready always" (1 Peter 3:15) so that we are able to help more. Self-denial means patience and humility in a crowd, in a queue, in a parking lot, or with a harassed clerk.
Being of good cheer may not halt or deflect the downpour of discouragement which is drenching others, but it is the unfolding of an umbrella and walking together under it.
Losing ourselves means being willing to go to Nineveh when we would much prefer to go to Tarshish (see Jonah 1:2-3).
Losing oneself means losing one's impulsiveness. Jesus told Peter to put up the sword (see John 18:11). He told Oliver Cowdery he had to make intellectual effort in order to receive revelation (D&C 9:8-9).
Losing ourselves means dropping our resistance to feedback so that we can grow faster, just as did meek and receptive Moses, the brother of Jared, Peter, and Joseph Smith.